Thursday, 29 January 2015

HUMANITY the perfect religion for me

Read here my new article HUMANITY the perfect religion for me and comment in my blog Also share this post via facebook and twitter etc. You can also tweet me about your thoughts @mhichahemtiwari

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HUMANITY the perfect religion for me

We all are human beings. God created us. All of we are his living creations. He made us unique in his all creations. A human is his masterpiece he ever created. God would be too proud to create us. The narrator said "He is almighty, he created us and we all are his children." He never differenciated us by our birth. He never partiated to anyone. All new births have the pure soul and body having same red blood into their veins passes from one's heart at the time of birth. We are different in our body physics, in our colour, in our birth place, in our families, in our culture and tradition and in our beliefs. But the unique thing in all of we that is we are human being. And it's the universal pert that it's the greatest religion in it.

We are demonstrated by our ancesstors to recognize our religion. They taught us to differentiate human by name, body physics, cast, religion and customs and fashion. We all are categorised in many religions but we forget that we are the children of the God. And this only belief is enough to make piece and good will with each other. As one in a family never hurts others and ever cares for happiness of each, in the same manner we should care and respect to others in this world. This is the humanity which is in our blood but we need to feel it. It's not a bravery to hurt someone but it is to help others and care for them.

In our religion either we are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Boddhist or other the common thing is to save humanity. Violence doen't exist in any religion. Then, why are we being violated to encourage our religions only in the guidence of such hypocrites? We pray for peace everyday in our prayers then, why do we kill many people in the name of religion? It is strange to kill someone first then pray for others. To kill or die in the name of religion is the destiny of present human. Isn't it in our religion fashion?

As our society civilised many centuaries ago we were able to find the way of living. With the passess of time we discovered new religion, new casts and new societies but the people belongs to all these are still the children of same God who created us. Only the thing is to remind all of them to leave the unnecessary dispute in the name of religion. There's need to remind them that they are human beings. There's need to identify the currupt religious leaders who are making all of us the scapegoats for their personal issues or benefits.

They have divided our hearts, our minds and also the nature between us. It's only depends on you what's right or wrong with our religion. Religions never divide anyone. Man divides man. Religion brings unity. But in present only the cause of these divisions is that we are going in wrong way. Following one of the religion by or ancesstors was right but I couldn't understand why they didn't recognize THE HUMANITY as one and only religion for all in this world. None of religions boucotts humanity. Who ever the religious legends in our socciety are known for their good deeds and good thoughts. They led us on the path of salvation. They would never imagine that their followers would fall so down to get salvation but forget humanity.

I regret to be a human being if it is necessary to having a religion in which mercy, love and brotherhood doesn't exist. Besides it I am going with humanity. It's the only real thing in all religion. All others are phantasm. There is mentally peace in serving yourself by serving others but not somewhere else. Either you go to temples, mosques or churches if you belive that it is right to kill someone to save your religion, if you belive that it is right to torture others to be familier with your religion, if you belive that it is right to dispute in the name of your religion and kill the innocent people to encourage your religion and if you also belive that God will bless you of doing such things, you are biggest fool in this world. And you are not a human being but you are the monster inside a human body.

Release your unuseful customs and superstition, save humanity, be a human being. Live and make others to live. Serve others. Teach and educate your children to be a human not a religious superstitious. You don't need to follow each and every teachings in your religion as you are enough speculative to judge what is right and what is wrong according to the humanity.

At the last I want to tell you the motto of this article. It is written here for those people who are the blind followers of their religious teachings. They need to think about it. Choice is yours whether you want to be a savior or destroyer. And for the religious monsters it's my last saying "You reap as you have sown."

What do you think about my opinion. Are you willing to accept HUMANITY as your religion. Write here in the comments what's in your mind after reading this article. Also share with your family members, friends, colleagues and others.


Thanks for your readings!


Hem Chandra Tiwari


Hem Chandra Tiwari

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