Thursday, 14 January 2016

प्रभावशाली कौन?

प्रभावशाली कौन?

एक प्रश्न जो कभी मन में तैरता था, आज एकाएक एक सूनामी बनकर मेरे सामने खड़ा हो गया-
प्रभावशाली कौन?’

बात सामर्थ्य, पौरुषत्व, समृद्धता की नही बल्कि व्यवहारिक सत्य की है| टूटते हुए आशियाने की जब-जब दीवारो में दरारें पड़ती हैं या एक ईंट या पत्थर टूटकर ज़मीन पर गिरता है, तो घर में रहने वालों के लिए सबसे बड़ी चिंता का विषय होता है| घर का हर सदस्य उस घर के पुनर्निर्माण या मरम्मत के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करता है | वही प्रयास मैं भी इस लेख के माध्यम से कर रहा हूँ|

जीवन एक समझौता है

जीवन एक समझौता है
निर्जीव जी उठ चलता नही
जी सकते है जो, जी रहे
जीवन अर्थ समझ पाए
केवल स्वास ही पी रहे
पर्याय सूझने पाए ना
तो दुख अंततः होता है
प्राणी! जीना सीख ज़रा
ये जीवन एक समझौता है

Monday, 11 January 2016



Dear all readers,

I wish you all a motivational, energetic and glorious National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas). As In 1984 Indian government decided to celebrate today 12th January, Swami Vivekanand Birthday as National Youth Day from 1985 onwards. Swami Vivekanand is a legend from the past history to all youths. His experiences and deeds in his life are inspirational to all youths. He showered his wisdom and the glory of India on whole mankind worldwide. It could not shine the sun of Indian culture and philosophy in whole world but he made it by his affective speech and wisdom.


It’s not an ordinary book
It’s the pride of India

It’s the respect for the people

It’s the respect for the country

It’s the savior of humanity

Sunday, 10 January 2016

एक कहानी: आगे पढ़ें 1

 आप पढ़ चुके हैं-

इस बार लड़की ने जवाब दिया, “ मारिया”..................................

आगे की कहानी.........

मारिया!”  राजू की मा ने आश्चर्य के साथ धीमे स्वर में दोहराया| वह क्रिस्चियन लड़की उनके गाँव में क्या कर रही थी? उनके गाँव में तो कोई क्रिस्चियन है ही नहीं| तो ये लड़की कौन है और यहाँ कैसे आई? फिर वही बातें उसके दिमाग़ में चक्कर काटने लगी| पर व्यर्थ सिर खपाने से कोई लाभ न था|

Saturday, 9 January 2016

एक कहानी

दूर कहीं शुष्क घाटियों में, रात के घनघोर अंधेरो में, तारों से भरे हुए आसमान को देखना राजू को बहुत पसंद था| राजू एक ग़रीब घर में पैदा हुआ, अपाहिज बच्चा था; जिसके पिता एक सुलझे हुए किसान थे, जिनके पास कुछ ही बीघा ज़मीन थी| ये ज़मीन पश्चिमी घाटों के  पास होने के कारण सिर्फ़ धान की खेती कर पाना ही मुनासिब था| पिछले दो सालो से समय  पर बरसात ना होने के कारण फसल अच्छी नही हो पाई थी और राजू के पिता पर आर्थिक बोझ गया था| राजू अभी आठ साल का था और इन बातो को समझने के लिए बहुत ही छोटा| राजू के पिता एक तो फसल नष्ट होने की वजह से दुखी थे और दूसरा उन्हे राजू के भविष्य की चिंता अंदर ही अंदर  सताए जा रही थी| वे जानते थे कि पैरों के बिना जीवन कितना मुश्किल होता है, वह भी जब ,वो राजू को एक किसान के रूप में ही देखना चाहते थे |परंतु राजू के अपाहिजपन ने उन्हे भीतर से खोखला कर दिया था| राजू की मा एक आदर्श पत्नी और मा दोनो ही थी, जो अपना कर्तव्य बहुत ही तन्मयता से निभा रही थी| राजू के पिता ने राजू को लेकर अपनी परेशानियों को ,कभी भी, किसी के सामने जाहिर नहीं होने दिया| पर आज उन्हे ये बात बहुत ही परेशान कर रही थी कि आख़िर राजू के भविष्य की दिशा किस ओर होगी? वह किस तरह से अपना और अपने परिवार का भरण पोषण करेगा? समाज में अपाहिजों के हालात उन्होने देखे थे| वो अपने बच्चे के भविष्य की इस कठोर कल्पना से काफ़ी विचलित हो जाते थे| वह राजू को इस तरह से जीवन यापन नहीं करने देना चाहते थे| पर जब भी वह इस बारे में सोचते , उन्हे कोई भी रास्ता नज़र नहीं आता था और वो हताश होकर एक छोटे बच्चे की तरह किसी चमत्कार के होने की कामना करते रहते थे | राजू की मा उनकी इस मनोस्थिति को जानती थी ; पर उसने उनसे इस बारे में कभी कोई बात नहीं की| वह उन्हे और दुखी नही करना चाहती थी| वह हमेशा उनके सामने अपने बच्चे को परियों की कहानिया सुनाया करती थी, जिसमे तरह-तरह के चमत्कार की बातें रोज सुनने को मिलती थी| राजू के पिता मन ही मन राजू को उन  परियों की कल्पना में ही छोड़ देना चाहते थे| कभी कभी जब राजू की मा उसे कहानी सुना रही होती और उसके पिता वही होते तो वो उसकी मा को ध्यान से सुनते और परियों की कल्पना में खो जाते कि कोई परी उनके बच्चे के जीवन को भी सुधार दे| उनकी मा भी बचपन में उन्हे इसी तरह की कई कहानियाँ सुनाया करती थी| पर वास्तविक जीवन में इन कहानियों का कोई अस्तित्व नही था, ये बस एक अच्छी और  रोमांचक कल्पना मात्र थी और राजू के पिता ये भली भाँति जानते थे|

Friday, 8 January 2016



We are very familiar with the name of Lord Buddha and Buddhism. As per our ancient historic books, monuments and historic evidences we know Lord Buddha discovered Buddhism between sixth century and fourth century BCE. I say that He came to a stage in his life when he felt the things he was told or taught inside the premises of his Kingdom, were not perfectly said or perhaps it was not completely known by the religious scholars of his time. When he saw different realistic cases in the society, he started his journey for Truth. Why he needed to start his journey for Truth? Though He was a prince, he had many intelligent people to teach him what the truth is but he chose his own way to find the truth. Didn’t other religion exist at that time which leads a person to salvation? Or did he never learn the religious and pious facts from his teachers? When these questions strike into my mind, I make an assumption and treat his like a boy who never wanted to follow others without knowing what is right or wrong in their teachings and recognitions. He wished to feel the truth. He roamed, met different types of people, observed their lifestyle and living ideologies, but didn’t agree or satisfy. Perhaps he felt some sculpture miswritten, unsaid and misunderstood by religious scholars. But he had to know about the truth and lead his life and others towards salvation. He couldn’t accept what was told or well defined or seen in society. He took the risk and showed his courage and enthusiasm to meet the God and became a monk, the saint, Lord Buddha to enlighten the world by his teachings; and now he has his own followers who follow his teachings not others. His experiences in life, his perception about life and his teachings and preaching wholly discovered a new religion Buddhism which is still followed by many people in the world, called Buddhist.  

स्वप्नो की राह

स्वप्नो की राह
गिरा धरा पर घुटने टेके
उदर पी रहा धूल
स्वास चाटती कंकड़ पत्थर
तलवों पर चुभते शूल

Thursday, 7 January 2016

ARTICLE NO. 4 SERIES: 'EXISTENCE OF GOD' an article to promote Humanity over religion

an article to promote Humanity over religion

Dear readers,

This is the fourth article of the series ‘EXISTENCE OF GOD’. Earlier I have discussed my opinion with you of having belief in god and a conflicting sound of  his existence. I have a better response in last two days, on my last article ‘Article no.3 series of ‘EXISTENCE OF GOD’ , where somebody asked me few questions regarding my thoughts which I shared with you earlier. We will discuss on that topic in this article.


All I have shared with you in my earlier articles, firstly, is my personal assumption, my imagination and my perception for the existence of god, which is the base of my articles, not more than. I belief in god but whenever I try to find him in our surroundings, I fail; whenever I try to listen a sound of his commitment , I fail; but still I believe in and most of all do the same. They believe in their gods, who they pray for and believe that he is their creator and he is their divine parents.

In my second article I wanted you to think like an infant who never knows who is God and where he exists. He is always told by his parents and his society. But initially parents are the first who makes him known of having a religion, to follow customs and to believe in what they (gods or their teachings i.e. by prophets or via religious books) said. It doesn’t matter who you are, a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian or others, but the thing matters that you are a human first and you are only able to know what you are taught by others or what you have learnt on your own. Is it better to follow your own way to find or feel the god, though you know the other’s way where there is no space for Humanity and only hypocrites, terrorists and homicides exist? I couldn’t see my God, who I believe in, there, on their way but I want to choose my own way to find him because I felt him in my life once, which makes me the person who is Theist, which encourages me to see a peaceful, happy and similar world for all, where no customs, no boundaries, no fight in the name of religion, no harm of Humanity would occur or would be performed or followed by any one.

For me, if I believe that he exists, only because of my parents as they gave me birth and made me known of our gods and religion; and God also did so according to our holy books, hearings from prophets, religious beliefs and others. So he would never want me to fight with my brothers-sisters and with my own family. I learnt the things from religious activities, my observations and my experiences in my life. I’m Hindu and I think if you are a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or others, according to the best of my knowledge and experiences , we consider God as our father, mother, our family or our guardian, who made us , gave us lives and instructed us by several means either via teachings of prophets, religious holy books or on his own sound and speech, he would never want us to fight with our own family in his name, if he’s really unique and similar to all; if he isn’t, then they (gods) are really just like the historic emperors having their own people and ideologies, who only want to enhance their kingdoms at any cost. They are not god but just like us.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016


Dear readers,
In my last two articles I wanted to know all of yours opinion regarding ‘EXISTENCE OF GOD’. I got very little response that doesn’t matter a lot. I hope you will consider our discussion as a bigger problem of our society.

Sunday, 3 January 2016


Dear readers,
In my last two articles I wanted to know all of yours opinion regarding ‘EXISTENCE OF GOD’. I got very little response that doesn’t matter a lot. I hope you will consider our discussion as a bigger problem of our society.

कई भाई लोग साथ आ रहे हैं, अच्छा लग रहा है, एक नया भारत दिख रहा है। आजाद हिंद के सपनो का अब फिर परचम लहरा है। उन्नति के शिखरों में अब राज्य ह...